All Saints is hiring for a Minister of Music. Our "want ad" and the full position outline are below. This position is salaried and conforms to generally accepted compensation standards in local area.
Part-Time Minister of Music Wanted
All Saints, Western Springs, seeks a part-time (10-12 hr/wk) Minister of Music. We are a small but exciting church with an average Sunday attendance in the mid-50’s. We love our music program and enjoy singing as a congregation. A volunteer choir rehearses weekly as available, and the congregation is supportive of new musical efforts. Worship at All Saints is fairly casual, but we celebrate the Eucharist weekly and adhere to a “Broach Church” Anglican tradition. The ideal candidate would be a skilled organist (preferably with some background in the Anglican, Lutheran or similar liturgical tradition), who is excited about learning new skills. Proficiency with other instruments a plus, but not required. We would also be excited about growing our music programming with and for children.
The Minister of Music will be responsible for the selection, rehearsal and performance of all musical pieces for services, and encouraged to pursue other opportunities to enrich the musical experience of the congregation in and out of worship. Hours are flexible most weeks, with the clear exception of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Holy Week (we have evening liturgies with music on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday). Three weeks (including Sundays) are provided as paid time off, with another week (including Sunday) for continuing education (a small budget is also provided to pay conference or material fees for continuing ed). A full position description may be seen at
For more information or to submit materials, please contact the parish office at 708-246-0030. Interested applicants will need a resume/CV and cover letter or statement of intent.
Position Description, Minister of Music
The Minister of Music works under the direction of the Rector, with a salary fixed by the Vestry of the parish. The Rector is responsible for the employment of the Minister of Music and any special issues/problems may be discussed with him/her.
Administrative Planning:
All Saints is hiring for a Minister of Music. Our "want ad" and the full position outline are below. This position is salaried and conforms to generally accepted compensation standards in local area.
Part-Time Minister of Music Wanted
All Saints, Western Springs, seeks a part-time (10-12 hr/wk) Minister of Music. We are a small but exciting church with an average Sunday attendance in the mid-50’s. We love our music program and enjoy singing as a congregation. A volunteer choir rehearses weekly as available, and the congregation is supportive of new musical efforts. Worship at All Saints is fairly casual, but we celebrate the Eucharist weekly and adhere to a “Broach Church” Anglican tradition. The ideal candidate would be a skilled organist (preferably with some background in the Anglican, Lutheran or similar liturgical tradition), who is excited about learning new skills. Proficiency with other instruments a plus, but not required. We would also be excited about growing our music programming with and for children.
The Minister of Music will be responsible for the selection, rehearsal and performance of all musical pieces for services, and encouraged to pursue other opportunities to enrich the musical experience of the congregation in and out of worship. Hours are flexible most weeks, with the clear exception of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Holy Week (we have evening liturgies with music on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday). Three weeks (including Sundays) are provided as paid time off, with another week (including Sunday) for continuing education (a small budget is also provided to pay conference or material fees for continuing ed). A full position description may be seen at
For more information or to submit materials, please contact the parish office at 708-246-0030. Interested applicants will need a resume/CV and cover letter or statement of intent.
Position Description, Minister of Music
The Minister of Music works under the direction of the Rector, with a salary fixed by the Vestry of the parish. The Rector is responsible for the employment of the Minister of Music and any special issues/problems may be discussed with him/her.
Administrative Planning:
- Meet & communicate regularly with the rector, meeting in person at least once a month and “checking in” by phone, email or in person briefly as needed.
- Collaborate with the rector in the development of objectives, plans, and programs. Work with clergy, vestry, and staff in initiating, developing and maintaining parish programs.
- Develop and oversee an annual budget for music ministry as authorized by the vestry.
- Engage/employ and direct professional musicians as needed.
- Compose publicity materials, newsletter articles, and other related communication for the music ministry at All Saints.
- Handle correspondence related to the position, including publishers’ permission of use, recommendations for choir members, etc.
- Pursue continuing education as appropriate (some funds will be made available from the parish).
- Recruit, train, and supervise an adult choir for participation at regular and special church services.
- Organize and maintain a music library for the church.
- Select music for the church library; learn or review the music; develop an artistic interpretation.
- Arrange or compose music when appropriate for a particular need of the service or of the choirs.
- Perform or oversee necessary clerical work: sorting, stamping, filing music, keeping attendance records, and maintaining choir vestments.
- Prepare the rehearsal room including seating arrangements, music, and teaching aids.
- Conduct the choir’s rehearsals. (At present, these occur on Wednesday evenings, but timing is negotiable.)
- Select music, learn or review it, determining organ registration.
- Learn and adapt choir arrangements for the organ.
- Supervise the maintenance of and repairs to the organ.
- Supervise the maintenance and inventory of the other church musical instruments.
- Maintain manual and pedal dexterity by weekly practice on the organ and other instruments.
- For weekly choral Eucharist (10am school year; 9am June-August) service: choose hymns, service music, choral and keyboard music that complements the assigned lessons, in consultation with the clergy.
- Communicate with the parish secretary about all musical portions of the order of worship.
- Rehearse the choir before each service they will sing at.
- Play and direct the musical portions of the service.
- Set out music and instruments for the service and put them away.
- Evaluate specific services with the clergy.
- Special music programs: Plan, schedule, rehearse and train choir for occasional concerts, performances and productions. These include Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday, and other services as agreed to in advance with the rector.
- Weddings: plan and perform according to a set schedule of fees; or find substitute organist.
- Funerals: Plan, contact and rehearse choir, play and direct according to a set schedule of fees; or find substitute organist.